AS 3012 -- Exo-Planetary Science

University of St.Andrews

Keith Horne (kdh1) Observations

Ian Bonnell (iab1) Theory

Astronomy Picture of the Day .
Tutorial 1: tut1.pdf
2010 Lectures:
1. 01.pdf . 01c.pdf . Overview. Direct Detections.
2. 02.pdf . 02c.pdf . Star Wobbles: astrometry and Doppler surveys.
3. 03.pdf . 03c.pdf . Transits.
4. 04.pdf . 04c.pdf . Space Transits (Hot Earths) and Microlensing (Cool Earths).
5. 05.pdf . 05c.pdf . Timing (pulsar planets)
6. 06.pdf . 06c.pdf . Status of exolanet surveys, selection functions.
7. 07.pdf . 07c.pdf . Exoplanet Characterisation: mass-radius relations, reflected starlight, transit spectroscopy, secondary eclipse, phase modulation, Rossiter effect: tilted/retrograde orbits.
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Keith Horne (kdh1 at