PRIORITY RA(J2000) Dec(J2000) I(t) A(t) A_max t - t0 t_E chi^2/N delta chi^2 Remarks*
1.5418:08:59.71-27:54:21.5 19.15 1.00 1.94 178.93 30.55 1.03 11.97-

OGLE PAGE for this event.

FINDER CHART: (North is up - East to the left)

Fitted lightcurve:

Chi2 X,Y,q q=1e-3 DeltaChi2=25

Probability - log P vs a R_E

N.B. Plots are regenerated less often than the observing priority is re-calculated, so these web-pages may contain parameters calculated more recently than those shown on the plots.
Page last updated: 15: 2 on 11/ 12/ 2004 . Images last updated: Sat Dec 11 09:17:56 GMT 2004.